Feast Info from our Feast-o-crat Tyr! Your feast-o-crat here with the menu for the weekend! Starting off on Friday night we will be serving a hot chicken and mushroom curry served over fresh basmati rice. Saturday brunch/lunch we have a Sausage and Bacon egg bake with chopped grape tomatoes and spinach. There will also be a condiment bar and juices for people to have along with their eggs. And Finally on to main feast! Saturday night we will be serving a goat stew, rolls, roasted red potatoes, sweet honey carrots, and for dessert Tiramisu! If anyone has any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out. I may not be able to change major things but can try to make accommodations! Thank you and cant wait to see everyone there!
Evacuating as a magic-fueled wildfire threatens the usual flow of trade in and out of Port Hannon’s, refugees stream towards the setting sun. The Steward of the Kingdom has occupied an abandoned fortress – “The Creek”, itself built on the abandoned gate to the west. The people of the Rising Winds tend to the stronghold on the surface, and adventurers delve into the dungeons beneath in search of treasure. All the while, something darker is stirring in the deep…
Staff – Autocrat: Ashurbanipal Operations: Amdair Lassider War: Vaughn Ulfgar Cultural: Aleia Blackrose Gate: Ashe, The One True Feast: Lapis Hufftell Night Quest: Artorius Dragonwrit Volunteer Wrangler: Kai Darkjester
Bardic Basics – Get comfortable with the idea of performing bardics! Arthur Clegane The Rose Mask Pt 1 – Building Characters For Service Roleplay Lord Edgar Talon Le Pen Shield Maidens and Theydens – Ladies/NB peerage for fighting and battlegames Tiibi Intro to Ukulele (5 instruments available or bring your own) – Learn the basics of Ukulele Dark Badger Blackrose Tarot Basics – Receive a list of meanings and a cheat sheet on the Celtic Cross spread Leanna Leabhar Makeup 101 (max 10, take home your own makeup starter kit ) – Enhance your persona look with foundation, eyeliner liner basics and a fierce smoky eye Dark Badger Blackrose The Rose Mask Pt 2 – Learn how to take a character on paper and translate it into action with garb, speech, physical expression, and improvisation. Lord Edgar Talon Le Pen Middle Eastern Dance – Learn some basic Middle Eastern dance moves choreographed to Cartouche by Blackmoore’s Night to get you moving around the bardic fire! Aleia Blackrose Sword and Board 101 – This class is focused on the basics of set ups and how they are critical to the development of personal style and growth in skill. The goal is to leave this class with one basic set-up that can be used today! Paolo Watercolor Make and Take (Max 16) – Walk through the basic techniques on watercolor washes to create an enchanting starry night sky silhouette to take home! Aleia Blackrose How to: AnS Judging – Judging A&S – Basic “things to look for” in common art forms Pip Thermosprocket Leadership: Event Building – How to build and run an event – Grand Duchy and Kingdom – BASICS Pip Thermosprocket
Best of the Best
Purpose: To display the A&S talent from across our kingdom. Sign Up
When? Saturday, March 18th Rising Winds March Endreign/Coronation Art Show will begin promptly at 10:30 AM Setup will be from 8-10 AM
Register online with Aleia by Thursday, March 16th at 11:59 PM OR register in person at the Livery Barn between 8 AM and 10 AM on Saturday, March 18th
Where? Billie Creek Village – Livery Barn
Who Can Enter? Anyone!
How many entries can I enter? You can have as many items in your showcase as you would like. This is your opportunity to show off who you are as an artist.
What can I enter? Any pieces where you did at least 50% of the work on it. There are no limits on whether or not it has already been awarded. If it has been awarded, please let the judges know so they can note that on your entry sheet (so the regent knows to not award it again)
Who Will Be Judging? There will be five judges with 7 or more orders of the owl, dragon, or garber – will try to have a wide variety of judges!
How Will The Entries Be Judged? Judges will spend about an hour looking at the showcases before the artisans arrive. The artisans will be present for one hour during the “art show”. During this time, judges will be walking around and asking questions to all entrants. Following the live art show, the judges will then collaborate to determine a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place entry. Judges will be looking for the overall quality of the piece as well as the craft’s difficulty, creativity, and scope.
How do I win? Have your item selected as the “Best of the Best” as determined by the panel of judges.
Do I need documentation? YOU are your documentation! You may bring anything you want to include in your presentation to the judges (progress photos, etc), but you will be your main source of documentation.
What if I would like to include a bardic in my showcase? Please let Aleia or Pip know beforehand and we will schedule your performance at the beginning or end of the art show.
What should I do if I have a written entry? If it is 5,000 words or less, please submit it to Pip (Kayleigh Schneider on facebook or kayleighmarisas@gmail.com) by Friday, March 10th at 11:59PM EST.
If it exceeds 5,000 words, please submit it to Pip (same information as above) by Friday, February 17th at 11:59PM EST.
Bardic Showcase
Perform at court! 30 minutes of dance and song! See Sign Up for details. All performance levels welcome!
Trinkets from Raven’s Event Magic Item Book are allowed beginning at Maze Haze Friday afternoon. Maximum 1 per player each game. Bring your own magic item.
War for the Fallen City – Friday 2PM, Main Field
Game mode: Militia Base game type: Control Points Teams: 2 teams of independent squads Respawn: Resurrection by designated medics only Objective: Hold the most control points at the end of 30 minutes Field: Fallen City (huge, with walls, houses, bridges and river)
Each team is composed of numerous squads. Each squad is a group of 5 players, 1 of which is a designated medic, who is marked (by the game runner). The medic can use Heal and Resurrect, using the normal magic casting rules, at unlimited frequency. The medic can only Heal and Resurrect members of their own squad. Squad medics are not restricted from armor, weapons, and combat. Medics cannot Heal themselves, nor be Healed nor Resurrected by other medics.
Standard RoP rule for repairing equipment after 60 seconds at base applies. Additionally, non-combatant armorers at base can cast Greater Mend with unlimited frequency on teammates. However, each player can only receive armorers’ Greater Mend 3 times.
Walls block line of sight, are infinitely tall, and can be traversed while Insubstantial. The river is an infinite pit that can be jumped, swung, and cast over, but players die if they set foot in the river at all.
Each point is captured by physically moving the flag with an empty hand so that your team’s color is fully displayed. At the end of time (30 minutes), the team controlling the most points wins.
Post-game variant: No medics, shorter time, with respawns if desired.
Maze Haze – Friday 4PM, Main Field
Game mode: Full Class Base game type: Control Points Teams: 2 teams Respawn: Instant unlimited respawn in groups of 3 Objective: Seize all 4 control points Field: Dense Maze
Two teams vie for control of all 4 points in a maze. The maze walls block line of sight, are infinitely tall, and cannot be crossed in any circumstances (i.e. insubstantial effects). Each control point is marked by red tape. A player captures an unoccupied control point by standing with both feet fully within the point (or both knees in the case of a legged player). A player must continue standing in the point with both feet and not be Frozen, Insubstantial, etc., to maintain control of the point. To capture a point from the other team, there must be no living, non-Frozen, etc., players with both feet in the point. You cannot contest a point the enemy controls; you can only fully capture it.
Fallen City Loot War – Saturday 12:30 PM, Main Field
Game mode: Full class Base game type: Resource collection Teams: 2 teams Respawn: 30 seconds at base, 5 lives (4 respawns at base) Objective: Collect the most gold in your team’s chest Field: Fallen City
Gold is scattered throughout the city. Players must gather gold and deposit it into their team’s chest (the Ark). Players can only carry 1 piece of gold, with an empty hand, and must walk heel-toe. If affected by any forced-movement, Insubstantial, Frozen, etc., effect, player must immediately drop gold. Gold can normally be stolen from the other team’s Ark.
Only special noncombatants – Levites – can (1) carry the team Ark and (2) enter a Tabernacle. Each team has a mobile Tabernacle. After 5 minutes from the start of the game, a Tabernacle activates for each team. Tabernacles can only be entered by Levites of that team, and Arks can only be interacted with by friendly Levites while inside a Tabernacle (i.e. they are protected from theft, normal players cannot deposit). Every 30 seconds, the Tabernacle deactivates and reactivates at the next location. This repeats until the end of game. The Ark must be constantly moved to continue to receive the benefits of the Tabernacle.
Levites can be casted on, but cannot be wounded nor killed. If a player hits a Levite, that player dies and cannot be resurrected. Do not hit the noncombatants. If an enemy player comes within 10 feet of a Levite, the Levite is “Frozen” and should evacuate the immediate area, dropping any game object. When all enemies are dead or gone from the area, the Levite can return to play. Alternatively, a Levite can “call dead” and return to base at any time.
Walls block line of sight, are infinitely tall, and can be traversed while Insubstantial. The river is an infinite pit that can be jumped, swung, and cast over, but players die if they set foot in the river at all.
Post-game variant: War again! But full class
Mourning’s End – Saturday 2:30 PM (following Looosha’s Knighting), Woods
Game mode: Full class Base game type: Resource collection, puzzle Teams: 3 teams, 2v1 rounds Respawn: 30 seconds at base, 6 lives (5 respawns at base) Objective: Collect the puzzle pieces and solve the jigsaw. Field: Woods
Desert Treasure – 4PM, Woods and Main Field
Game mode: Full Class Base game type: Payload Escort Teams: 2 Teams, defenders escort the payload, attackers delay it Respawn: 30 seconds at base for defenders, 5 lives. Instant at an active node, unlimited, for attackers. Objective: Escort your payload out with the most gold Field: 3 stages
Defenders must carry 2 loaded chests from the beginning (base) to the end of 3 stages. Each chest starts with 25 gold pieces, and is a very heavy object that must be carried by 2 people with an empty hand each, walking heel-toe. If a carrier is hit with any forced-movement, Insubstantial, Frozen, etc., effect, they must immediately drop the chest. If fewer than 2 people are carrying the chest, it drops and must be returned to base. Whenever a chest is dropped and returned, 1 gold piece is removed. Round ends when both chests have been successfully escorted or run out of gold. Each stage is played twice, with roles switched between rounds. Players must set spell lists at the beginning of the game, cannot change between stages, but may swap between a defender and attack list.
Defenders have 5 lives (4 respawns at base) per stage. For the first 2 stages, attackers have unlimited respawns, respawn at any active node, are Fragile, and cannot be affected by Gift of Air.
Stage 1: Cave Run
Defenders must fight through the unstable strip mine (woods battlefield). Attackers emerge (respawn) from side tunnels along the path to the exit. When a heavy chest is carried past that side tunnel, it permanently collapses and cannot be used to respawn again.
Stage 2: City Run
Defenders must fight through the Fallen City. Attackers emerge (respawn) from the cursed dens scattered throughout the city. Cursed Dens can be sanctified by placing one foot in the room and counting “Destroying 1, Destroying 2…Destroying 5”. This can be interrupted by forced movement, etc., effects, or simply an interrupted count. Once a cursed den is sanctified, it can no longer be used to respawn. All cursed dens must be sanctified to exit the stage.
Stage 3: Maze Run
Defenders must fight through the maze. Attackers are no longer Fragile with Unlimited respawn. Bases for Defenders and Attackers will be 15” from the entrance and exit, outside the maze. All players have only 5 lives.
Battlemaster – Friday 12 PM, Main Field
Game mode: Full Class Base game type: Control Points, Single Elimination Bracket Teams: 2 teams of 3, randomly sorted Respawn: 15 seconds at base, 60 if you voluntarily take death Objective: Control the most of 3 points at the end of 10 minutes. Field: 80’ x 60’ rectangle, with infinite walls.
Players must determine their class and spell list before teams are sorted. Players enter their names into a hat, where the game runner will randomly pull them out to create teams of 3.
Players have unlimited lives, and respawn with a 15 second count that begins after they return to base. If a player voluntarily takes a death (such as after being frozen), the respawn time is extended to 60 seconds.
Take control of a point by physically moving the flag with an empty hand so that your team’s color is fully displayed. Players may not voluntarily enter states (including FaD) as a result of their own or their teammates actions within 5’ of an objective. At the end of time (10 minutes), the team that has control of the most flags wins. If no team has more points fully captured, a sudden death round, with only 1 central point and no base respawn, begins. First team to capture the point wins.
If at any point the reeves determine a team is trapped in spawn, they will proactively move the other team back until the first team can easily reenter the battlefield.
Map for reference – subject to variation
Post-game variant: Shorter time and bigger teams if desired.
Archery – Saturday 11:30AM, Main Field
There are no deaths. A hit to any part of the body, weapon or garb scores a point as per the rules of volatile, this includes foot on ground. ANY CONTACT, except to head or neck, to your opponent by an arrow head scores a point.
In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined as the person who shot all of their arrows first.
Bow-people shall start with 9 arrows. Bow-people can start with an arrow(s) in their draw hand. Prior to lay on bow-people will start in a resting position, defined as no arrows nocked and both arms by their side. Bow-people can carry their arrows in any fashion they choose. The round is over once either bow-person has loosed all 9 arrows. Points are totaled based on hits. Most hits wins the match. There are no boundaries. Bow-people must stay engaged with their opponent. Bow-people can not flee in an attempt to gain an unfair advantage. If a reeve believes they are doing so they can call for a reset with remaining arrows. A point may be awarded if necessary. Stare downs: If a bow-person has not fired an arrow for 30 seconds his opponent shall be awarded a point. This prevents scoring a point and then playing “dodge ball”.
Looosha – 2pm Saturday, Pavilion Bayne – 6pm Saturday Before Court, Pavilion Asche – 6pm Saturday Before Court, Pavilion Yorick – 8pm Saturday After Court, Pavilion
Night Quest – Friday 7PM, Village
Night Quest will feature a variety of non-linear encounters that players can interact with, involving both combat and roleplay to progress, which plays into the greater narrative being told in the Kingdom of the Rising Winds lore. These include operating with unique NPCs to receive tasks to complete in the field and retrieve special stones imbued with energy to power a collection of 4 magical flowers, imbued with druidic energy.
The following equipment will not be permitted for use during the Night Quest: Light Thrown, Heavy Thrown, Magic Balls, Arrows, Any equipment deemed too long (generally no equipment longer than 8 feet will be permitted).
Mechanics for resurrection will be more lax than normal, and any team that is wiped in an encounter returns to the quest hub where they respawn as normal. This quest is friendly to noncombatant players and includes an extra space on every team for a noncombatant player, who may choose to play a class if they would like, but may not cast aggressively or interact in combat.
RP Square and Vendors
Tooth and Hookah
Roleplay and Hookah Lounge open Friday Evening, Saturday Afternoon and Saturday Evening After Court
Friday 2pm to 3pm. Staggered Hound Camp. Hosted by Mineral. Single category (open) tournament.
Saturday 11:00 – Archery Tournament
Saturday 11am to noon. Hosted by Kage Noyone. Shoot people with a bow, Hogbert style. Weapons check and registration opens at 10:30. Top 3 finishers win custom digital character drawings. Full rules.
Saturday 12:00 – Training Drills (Pickup Games)
Saturday noon to 2pm. Midfield. BYOG (bring your own game)!
Saturday 14:00 – The Bridge War
Saturday, 2pm to 6pm. High Camp Combat Field. Hosted by Raten Firewalker. Full Class. There’ll be a bridge, I swear! Team registration link.
Arts and Sciences
Friday 10:00 – Class: Belt Weaving
Friday 10am to 11am. High Camp Lodge. Hosted by Grr.
Friday 11:00 – Class: Garb Repair
Friday 11am to 12pm. High Camp Lodge. Hosted by Clayr. Learn to mend garb with the medieval shasiko embroidery. BYOG (bring your own garb).
Friday 14:00 – Class: Leather Pouches
Friday 2pm to 4pm. High Camp Lodge. Hosted by Sicarius the Black.
Friday 16:00 – Class: Dance
Friday 4pm to 4:45pm. High Camp Lodge. Hosted by Aleia Blackrose.
Friday 18:00 – Class: Vocal Projection
Friday 6pm to 7pm. High Camp Dance Hall. Hosted by Manama Proster.
Friday 20:00 – Bardic Showcase
Friday 8pm to 8:30pm. Low Camp Party Barn. Hosted by Aleia Blackrose. Strictly on time.
Friday 23:00 – Class: Dance
Friday 11pm to 12am. High Camp Dance Hall. Hosted by Aleia Blackrose.
Saturday 9am to 12pm. High Camp Lodge. Hosted by Pip Thermosprocket. Submissions begin at 9. Judging begins at 9:30. Full rules.
Saturday 21:00 – Class: Vocal Projection
Friday 9pm to 10pm. High Camp Dance Hall. Hosted by Manama Proster.
Friday 21:00 – Night Quest
Friday 9pm to 12am. Low Camp Village. Hosted by Eir. Teams gather outside the Staggered Hound. Stop the bandits from bandying about their boisterous bacchanal to beckon a brutal beast from beyond.
Saturday 12:30 – Wedding
Saturday 12:30pm to 1pm. High Camp Dance Hall. Hosted Aleia Blackrose. Come celebrate the joining together of Aleia Blackrose and Dark Badger!
Food and Court
Friday 19:00 – Service Grill (Friday Dinner)
Friday, 7pm to 8pm. Midfield Stage. Hosted by Argh Me Matey.
Friday 19:00 – Premier Dinner (Friday Dinner)
Friday, 6pm to 8pm. High Camp Lodge. Hosted by Jagiquay. Friday Night Fancy Feast! Limited to 20 seats; reserve your spot now! Meat and Vegetarian/ options available.
Friday, 14:00 to 16:00. High Camp Combat Field. Hosted by Yorick Ebonmoon. Militia. Attackers: ring the bell (push to the objective and hit it with a stick). Defenders: survive for 15 minutes. Teams swap roles, attacking and defending every full round. Equipment may be mended at base. Each team may have special non-combatant players who may Heal, Mend, Release, and Resurrect. Now is the Winter of our discontent, made glorious summer by this son of Yorick! Full rules pdf.
Friday 16:00 – Gather Round The Campfire (Node Game)
Friday, 16:00 to 18:00. High Camp Combat Field. Hosted by Yorick Ebonmoon. Full Class, no casters, 2 teams. Attackers: move the logs to the firepits. Each fire takes 12 logs. Build all 3 fires to win. Defenders: survive for 20 minutes. Each team may have special non-combatant players who may Heal, Mend, Release, and Resurrect. Let there be fire again! Full rules pdf.
Friday, 18:00 to 20:00. High Camp Combat Field. Hosted by Rieux Latham. Full Class, 3 teams. Defender team (1): hold for 15 minutes. Attacker teams (2): assemble, carry, and raise your flags at the control points in the defenders’ territory before time runs out. Defenders may sortie out to the attackers’ respawn enhancers, capturing them and slowing the attackers’ respawn time. Full rules pdf.
Saturday 10:00 – Pickup Games
Saturday, 10am to 3pm. Midfield. Wanna run a game? Come run a game!
Saturday 12:00 – Colosseum (FC’s 7 and Under Tournament) (fb)
Saturday, 12pm to 2pm. Low Camp, FC Camp. The Annualish fighting tournament hosted by the Fighting Company! Open to fighters with 7 or fewer Orders of the Warrior. Prizes include swords, shields, and an hour with FC’s four Warlords. Lunch is provided for all fighters and viewers. Categories include Single Sword, Sword and Board, and Open.
Saturday, 3pm to 5pm. Midfield. Hosted by Yorick Ebonmoon. It’s pride month! So, justify your pride by beating up all the other gays. Three categories: Single (Short), Florentine (Shorts), (Short) Sword and (Medium) Board. 15 minute Ironman style – not Texas Two-Step! Winner of the category is the fighter with the most kills. Ties will be broken by Round Robin, best of 3. Top 4 finishers in each category score 4, 2, 1, .5 victory points, respectively. Ties for overall victory points will again be broken by Round Robin, best of 3. Full rules pdf.
Saturday 17:00 – Knights and Squires vs The World (fb)
Saturday, 5pm to 6pm. High Camp Combat Field. Hosted by Yorick Ebonmoon. One team is all Knights and their Squires. The other team is everyone else. Full Class, unlimited lives, 120 second global respawn timer. Refresh at 20 minutes, and every 10 minutes after that. Fulfill the Tests of Wisdom (puzzles, riddles, fae tricksters?), Strength (pick up heavy objects and put it back down), and Courage (rip and tear, until it is done). Only non-combatants can interact with game objects! Game ends when a team has completed all 3 tests. Full rules pdf.
Arts and Sciences
Friday 12:00 – Crafting Circle
Friday 12:00 – 16:00. High Camp Lodge.
Friday 12:00 – Sicarius Symposium (Leathercraft And Laugh) (fb)
Friday 12:00 to 20:00. Low Camp. Hosted by Sicarius the Black. Zero-cost leatherworking! Leather, tools, patterns, provided. Tables, even. Instruction by Master Owl Sicarius the Black, constructor-of-things-out-of-leather.
Saturday 12:00 – Jasmine Dragon Tea Party
Saturday 12pm to 2pm. High Camp Dance Hall.
Saturday 13:00 – Tips for Bardic/RP
Saturday 1pm – 2pm. Low Camp Party Barn.
Friday 14:00 – RP Tavern
Friday 14:00 to 18:00. High Camp Dance Hall.
Friday 18:00 – Night Quest
Friday 18:00 to 23:00. High Camp Dance Hall.
Saturday 14:00 – RP Tavern
Saturday, 2pm – 6pm. High Camp Dance Hall.
Food and Court
Friday 16:00 – Service Grill (Friday Dinner)
Friday, 4pm to 6pm. Midfield Stage.
Friday 18:00 – Premier Dinner (Friday Dinner)
Friday, 6pm to 8pm. High Camp Lodge. Friday Night Fancy Feast! Limited to 20 seats; reserve your spot now! Meat and Vegetarian/Vegan/Gluten Free entree options available. See the full menu here.
Saturday, 6pm to 7pm. Low Camp Party Barn. Hosted by Aleia Blackrose. Song, Dance, Spectacle? Captivate the audience that’s assembled in the Party Barn awaiting Court? Sign up here.
Saturday 9pm to 11pm. Low Camp, Tavern Camp. Hosted by Kozan. Begins immediately after Court. Song, Performance, On Tap, Open Mic bardic (everyone join in!).