This event has passed. This page is preserved for historical reference.
Table of Contents
General Information (fb)
Thursday June 2 – Sunday June 5
Hannon’s Camp America
8501 Camden College Corner Rd,
College Corner, OH 45003
Gate is open 6pm to Midnight Thursday. Gate reopens at 5am Friday for the rest of the event.
Gate Fee: $45 ($40 prereg)
Thursday Entry: $50 ($45 prereg)
Saturday Day Trip: $25
Presign waiver:
Premier Dinner: $20 (limited seating)
Autocrat: Tregod
Event Services: Havoc and Raten
Gate: The One True Ashe
A&S: Jessilynne
War: Yorik
Feast: Kya and Fang
Premier Dinner: Lunasa
Clean: Glutton
Ambiance: Daedera
Call for volunteers:
Roleplay Tavern, Night Quest, Wandering NPCs (fb)
Master Schedule
Detailed Schedule

Friday 14:00 – Midsummer Ring (Ring the Bell)
Friday, 14:00 to 16:00. High Camp Combat Field. Hosted by Yorick Ebonmoon.
Militia. Attackers: ring the bell (push to the objective and hit it with a stick). Defenders: survive for 15 minutes. Teams swap roles, attacking and defending every full round. Equipment may be mended at base. Each team may have special non-combatant players who may Heal, Mend, Release, and Resurrect. Now is the Winter of our discontent, made glorious summer by this son of Yorick!
Full rules pdf.
Friday 16:00 – Gather Round The Campfire (Node Game)
Friday, 16:00 to 18:00. High Camp Combat Field. Hosted by Yorick Ebonmoon.
Full Class, no casters, 2 teams. Attackers: move the logs to the firepits. Each fire takes 12 logs. Build all 3 fires to win. Defenders: survive for 20 minutes. Each team may have special non-combatant players who may Heal, Mend, Release, and Resurrect. Let there be fire again!
Full rules pdf.
Friday 18:00 – Rieux’s Game (fb)
Friday, 18:00 to 20:00. High Camp Combat Field. Hosted by Rieux Latham.
Full Class, 3 teams. Defender team (1): hold for 15 minutes. Attacker teams (2): assemble, carry, and raise your flags at the control points in the defenders’ territory before time runs out. Defenders may sortie out to the attackers’ respawn enhancers, capturing them and slowing the attackers’ respawn time.
Full rules pdf.
Saturday 10:00 – Pickup Games
Saturday, 10am to 3pm. Midfield.
Wanna run a game? Come run a game!
Saturday 12:00 – Colosseum (FC’s 7 and Under Tournament) (fb)
Saturday, 12pm to 2pm. Low Camp, FC Camp.
The Annualish fighting tournament hosted by the Fighting Company! Open to fighters with 7 or fewer Orders of the Warrior. Prizes include swords, shields, and an hour with FC’s four Warlords. Lunch is provided for all fighters and viewers. Categories include Single Sword, Sword and Board, and Open.
Saturday 15:00 – LGBTQIA2S+ Ironman (fb)
Saturday, 3pm to 5pm. Midfield. Hosted by Yorick Ebonmoon.
It’s pride month! So, justify your pride by beating up all the other gays. Three categories: Single (Short), Florentine (Shorts), (Short) Sword and (Medium) Board. 15 minute Ironman style – not Texas Two-Step! Winner of the category is the fighter with the most kills. Ties will be broken by Round Robin, best of 3. Top 4 finishers in each category score 4, 2, 1, .5 victory points, respectively. Ties for overall victory points will again be broken by Round Robin, best of 3.
Full rules pdf.
Saturday 17:00 – Knights and Squires vs The World (fb)
Saturday, 5pm to 6pm. High Camp Combat Field. Hosted by Yorick Ebonmoon.
One team is all Knights and their Squires. The other team is everyone else. Full Class, unlimited lives, 120 second global respawn timer. Refresh at 20 minutes, and every 10 minutes after that. Fulfill the Tests of Wisdom (puzzles, riddles, fae tricksters?), Strength (pick up heavy objects and put it back down), and Courage (rip and tear, until it is done). Only non-combatants can interact with game objects! Game ends when a team has completed all 3 tests.
Full rules pdf.
Arts and Sciences
Friday 12:00 – Crafting Circle
Friday 12:00 – 16:00. High Camp Lodge.
Friday 12:00 – Sicarius Symposium (Leathercraft And Laugh) (fb)
Friday 12:00 to 20:00. Low Camp. Hosted by Sicarius the Black.
Zero-cost leatherworking! Leather, tools, patterns, provided. Tables, even. Instruction by Master Owl Sicarius the Black, constructor-of-things-out-of-leather.
Saturday 12:00 – Jasmine Dragon Tea Party
Saturday 12pm to 2pm. High Camp Dance Hall.
Saturday 13:00 – Tips for Bardic/RP
Saturday 1pm – 2pm. Low Camp Party Barn.
Friday 14:00 – RP Tavern
Friday 14:00 to 18:00. High Camp Dance Hall.
Friday 18:00 – Night Quest
Friday 18:00 to 23:00. High Camp Dance Hall.
Saturday 14:00 – RP Tavern
Saturday, 2pm – 6pm. High Camp Dance Hall.
Food and Court
Friday 16:00 – Service Grill (Friday Dinner)
Friday, 4pm to 6pm. Midfield Stage.
Friday 18:00 – Premier Dinner (Friday Dinner)
Friday, 6pm to 8pm. High Camp Lodge.
Friday Night Fancy Feast! Limited to 20 seats; reserve your spot now! Meat and Vegetarian/Vegan/Gluten Free entree options available. See the full menu here.
Friday 20:00 – Lao Tzu’s Vigil
Friday, 8pm – 11pm. High Camp Lodge.
Saturday 14:00 – Dekland’s Knighting
Saturday 2pm to 3pm. Low Camp.
Saturday 18:00 – Feast TO GO (Saturday Dinner)
Saturday, 6pm to 7pm. Midfield Stage.
Saturday 18:00 – Pre-Court Bardics (fb)
Saturday, 6pm to 7pm. Low Camp Party Barn. Hosted by Aleia Blackrose.
Song, Dance, Spectacle? Captivate the audience that’s assembled in the Party Barn awaiting Court? Sign up here.
Saturday 19:00 – Court
Saturday 7pm to 8pm. Low Camp Party Barn.
Saturday 20:00 – Lao Tzu’s Knighting
Saturday 8pm to 9pm. Low Camp Party Barn.
Saturday 21:00 – Tavern Bardic (fb)
Saturday 9pm to 11pm. Low Camp, Tavern Camp. Hosted by Kozan.
Begins immediately after Court. Song, Performance, On Tap, Open Mic bardic (everyone join in!).